Being a father is not easy for many reasons. One of them is that you can’t know exactly what it is like until you get your first kid. Then, if …
Cooper Klein
Cooper Klein
Cooper Klein is a bearded dad from Sydney, Australia. He's interested in psychology, interior design, and all things fitness. When he's not reading sci-fi books or playing with his kiddos, he's working as an author for Smooth Decorator, The Beard Mag, Twisted Male Mag, and other online magazines. You can find him on Twitter
Home & GardenMen
It’s a Guy Thing: Reasons to Become a Gentleman Gardener
by Cooper Kleinby Cooper Klein 0 minutes readAs the old saying goes, ladies love a man with a tool belt. It implies that they are able to swoop in and fix things, being handymen and all. But …
The 2019 New Year Training Plan for Every Guy to Get in Shape
by Cooper Kleinby Cooper Klein 0 minutes readThe New Year is well underway, so the time is better than ever to get going with your 2019 fitness resolutions. Getting in shape and banishing negative habits from your …
Household Happiness: 5 Ways to Create a Positively Gay Home
To make the assumption that gay people are inherently merry and carefree would be an uneducated guess and would border a downright insult at that. Homosexuals of all genders deal …