Home LifestyleFamily & Parenting Why All Families Want & Need More Childcare Facilities Here In Penrith Australia.

Why All Families Want & Need More Childcare Facilities Here In Penrith Australia.

by Divine Magazine
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From when your baby is born and for around the first two years of his or her life, they are with you all the time and so when it comes to making a decision about daycare, many Australian parents find this a very difficult decision to make. Any parent who has had to leave their child for the first day of school knows exactly what I am talking about here but it is necessary for you to cut the apron strings and allow your little one to learn more about the world by themselves.

Taking the time to find out about quality childcare in Penrith is an incredibly responsible thing to do as a parent and because places disappear very quickly in these places, it is important that you get in early so that your child isn’t left behind. It may be time for you to get back to work to earn another income so that your family group is strong financially and so it seems to be the perfect choice to get balance back into your life by enrolling your child into a daycare facility.

If your time has come as a parent and you’re feeling somewhat guilty about making this decision then the following are some of the reasons why all families here in Australia want and need more childcare facilities.

  • A more structured life – This applies to not only you as the parent but to your child as well because when you enrol them in such a facility, they will get to enjoy schedules that are truly structured and they get to take part in many different activities. This is the perfect time for your child to start learning and to be aware of other children around them. It is important that children learn about a time for eating, a time for playing and a time for sleeping.
  • The beginning of academic achievement – It may seem a little early to be talking about your child’s academic achievement when they are just two or three years old but this is a very important time for them because their brains are like sponges and they pick up so much. Statistics tell us that children who spent their early years in high-quality childcare facilities went on to be much better in school than children who didn’t have this luxury. The figures suggest that your child can be four times more likely to go to university if they attend day care.
  • The perfect time to socialise – Your child has only been spending time with you and close members of the family up until this point in their lives and now is the time to allow them to meet their peers. Social interaction is incredibly important for any small child and so when they go to day care, they get to meet other kids who are the same age as them and there they will learn in a very structured and safe environment. It’s important that they learn how to do things like sharing and solving problems together as a group and just being nice.
  • Parents can get involved as well – Many Australian parents worry that sending their child to a childcare facility means that they don’t get to spend quality time with them any more during the daytime hours. You as the parent will be encouraged to come in to the school and participate in the many things that the teachers are trying to teach your kid. There will be open houses to enjoy, parent teacher meetings and you will of course meet other parents and hopefully make some friends for life.
  • It just makes everything smoother – What is being referred to here is your child’s entry into kindergarten and so day care prepares them for this. You do not want your child being terrified of interacting with other children and with teachers because they have never experienced such a thing before. The daycare facilities are there to provide structured learning activities so that your child can learn from other people and this gives them the perfect start when it comes to entering kindergarten.
  • You enjoy a very well-behaved child – Due to the fact that your kids will be learning about directions from an adult for the very first time, this is an important time in their lives. The sooner that they start to practice taking instruction from others, the sooner they will learn what is acceptable and unacceptable in a social setting. Your child will go on to have stronger social skills and fewer difficulties when they enter the school system.
  • They enjoy a stronger immune system – It is important that all children are exposed to the many different germs that go around society and the earlier that they can exposed to such things, the better for their immune systems. The more you try to protect them from such things, the higher the likelihood that they will be sick through kindergarten and primary school. This is the perfect time to talk about your child’s immune system so that they can more easily fight off sickness.
  • They become better communicators – Communication is an essential skill that every young child should learn and it can happen in interactions with the other kids. They will be playing games together and so speech will be a normal part of finding out what the rules are and what they can and cannot do. Every child needs to learn how to get on with other children and they will learn things like asking for permission to go to the toilet, what toy that they would like to play with and so many other things.

Hopefully, you can now understand the importance of making sure that your child is enrolled in a childcare facility as soon as possible. Not only will they excel in a learning environment but they will enjoy nutritious food every single day and it gives you essential peace of mind.

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