Trusted by Karrie Roman

Divine Magazine
Divine Magazine 7 Min Read

Zach Piper has escaped his father’s cult only to find himself in a world he doesn’t understand. Abused and neglected, he’s grown up an outcast among outcasts. He has no business trusting anybody after what he’s been through, but when Cameron Cronin takes him in and shows him a world he never knew, he willingly hands over his trust. In Cameron he finds honor and decency—someone who cares.

Cameron lives without love and he prefers it that way. He never wants to fall in love again. The last man he loved shattered Cameron’s heart as surely as his trust. When he takes in much-younger Zach, who recently emerged from his own hell, he hears the familiar whisper of long-dead feelings. But he doesn’t want to love. He cannot trust he won’t be broken again if he does.

As time passes and the two men get to know each other, Cameron’s feelings for Zach deepen whether he wants it or not. But just when Cameron decides to trust in Zach, and act on the love he knows is there, both of their pasts come storming back to threaten everything they’ve built. When their lives hang in the balance they must trust each other enough to get out alive.

Trusted f500

Title: Trusted

Series: Until You, Book Three

Author: Karrie Roman

Publisher: NineStar Press

Release Date: October 29, 2018

Heat Level: 3 – Some Sex

Pairing: Male/Male

Length: 84,100

Genre: Contemporary, bodyguards, hurt-comfort, grief, men with children, rescue operation, kidnapping

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Exclusive Excerpt

Karrie Roman © 2018
All Rights Reserved

“So it’ll be like what we watched on your TV but really big?” Zach asked, completely unable to contain his enthusiasm. Cameron was taking him to the movies. His first visit ever and he was wide-eyed with excitement.

“Yeah, and louder. Sometimes the seats actually vibrate with the sound.” Cameron kept his eyes on the road as he drove. He hadn’t said as much, but Zach knew Cameron was taking him today because his father’s court hearing was only a few days away and because he was still reeling from the run-in with Mary and Phia’s mother a few weeks ago.

What she’d said about him ruining everything and being a disgrace had hurt. All he’d wanted to do was keep them alive. He’d never stopped for a second to think maybe they had wanted to go to god. Even if he had, he’d have done the same thing because of the children. They at least deserved to have more of a life, a longer one.

“So we’ll be seeing another Thor movie? The third one?”

“Yep. You’ve watched the first two at home so I thought it might be good to see the next one on the big screen. I hear it’s the best—and the Hulk’s in it.”

“From the Avengers.” Zach enjoyed television—well, movies anyway. He wasn’t as sure about reality TV, as Cameron had called it. He didn’t really get the purpose of it and couldn’t for the life of him see anything real—or entertaining—about it.

“We’ll get popcorn… Have you tried it before?” Cameron asked.

“No. I’ve had corn, though.” Zach flushed. Sometimes he didn’t know whether or not to be embarrassed about how little he knew or how few things he’d tried, but Cameron always told him it was what it was and not to worry. There was plenty of time for him to try stuff.

“Really not the same thing, but I’m sure you’ll love it.”

They pulled into the parking lot and Zach slid out of Cameron’s truck. It was bigger than a lot of the cars he’d seen on the road, but its size suited Cameron.

Together they walked the short distance to Big Horn Cinema and Zach stood back while Cameron bought tickets for them. He’d had no idea how money worked until he got away from the cult, and he really needed to ask Cameron how he should go about getting some. Seemed you needed it for everything.

“Okay, let’s get some snacks.”

Zach followed Cameron over to an area of the lobby that smelled amazing. He could see some of the chocolate candy Cameron had given him that first day at his place, and his mouth watered. He loved the taste but tried not to be too greedy. He didn’t have money to buy more.

“All right, so shall we get a jumbo popcorn to share and a couple of sodas?” Cameron asked.

Zach looked at the popcorn behind him. It was where the wonderful smell was coming from so Zach couldn’t wait to try it. He nodded enthusiastically. “Yes, please. It smells really good. And could we… Could we share a candy bar?”

“I think we can manage one each.” Cameron smiled.

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About the Author

Karrie lives in Australia’s sunshine state with her husband and two sons, though she hates the sun with a passion. She dreams of one day living in the wettest and coldest habitable place she can find. She has been writing stories in her head for years but has finally managed to pull the words out of her head and share them with others. She spends her days trying to type her stories on the computer without disturbing her beloved cat Lu curled up on the keyboard. She probably reads far too much.

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