Interview with Natasha McCrea

Divine Magazine
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Natasha McCrea is the founder of Love CEO Institute and creator of the Feel Good Method. She is a multi-passionate coach, speaker, actress and author who will coach you how take a holistic approach to life, love and business. So, you can embody a higher quality of life.

Tell us a bit about your company and why you do what you do.

I am the founder of Love CEO Institute. I coach multi-passionate ambitious women how to design the life they want by using the foundation of love so they can make loving life a lifestyle. I believe life and love aren’t supposed to hurt. Socially and culturally, we have taken on that mentality, and I have seen too many women, myself included, simply surviving in life instead of thriving. Life is meant to feel good. Life is meant to be lived to the fullest. And Love CEO teaches a Methodology to change that narrative.

What makes your business different to any others doing a similar thing?

Love CEO Institute is different than any other company because we take the whole woman into consideration. As I forged my way ahead in business, I found that there were alot of companies that compartmentalized me.  There are benefits to learning a Niche. However, I wished I had a space that would have seen all of me. As a multi-passionate CEO, I saw the need to have a space that took care of the vessel. In my company we focus on taking care of the vessel, that everything flows through. That Vessel is the whole woman, her heart, mind, body and soul. When you do that, you connect to your most authentic goals and start to enjoy the journey.

As a public figure, how do you think being hailed as a role model impacts on others and what pressure does it put on you?

Being hailed as a role model impacts others because I am determined to live my life out loud and enjoy the journey. And in doing so I give people hope. They get to see someone who has beat the odds of being a struggling single mother on welfare who cried in the bathroom because my child unexpectedly needed $20 for a school field trip and was divorced twice by the age of 30.  And see that I finally designed the life I want. I give women hope that they too can build a life they love.

The pressure is welcomed. Being a role model is a sense of accountability for me to always remember what brings me joy and to be aligned with enjoying the journey while I’m on my way to where I want to be. 

How do you cope with stress?

Stress seemed to be a permanent fixture in my life until a few years ago when I had to make the decision to continue on the self-destructive path to choose life. I literally had to put down stress.  Yes, put it down.  We sometimes are so comfortable with stress we don’t know what to do when it’s not there.  I now use an extensive self-care blueprint to help me during stressful moments.  I had to shift my mindset first, though, because if that doesn’t change it won’t matter how many tools you throw at the stress, they won’t work.

I am so blessed.  I put in the work with workshops, therapy, personal development books and classes.  I was able to develop a system that works for me, and this is what I teach my clients. I teach them how to personalize a plan so authentic self-care can give them some relief.

How would you describe yourself in one word?

One phrase that describes me is “crack the whip, spread the love.” I think this sum me up.  I tell you like it is and it’s always from a place of love.

What do you think is your greatest success in life?

My greatest success in life is the 18 years of babysitting God’s creation, MY KID. I have done many things in life and being a mother and not breaking the baby is by far give me my greatest sense of success.  The adult that my kid has developed into is such a blessing.  I actually have learned so much from them in recent years. They live life unapologetically. And they are a constant reminder for me to do the same.

If you could start all over again, what would you do differently?

If I could do it all over again, I would start sooner. For so many years I let fear stand in the way of moving towards my dreams.  It took me ten years to finally produce my one-woman show.  And when I finally did it opened the doors to many other opportunities, more acting jobs to starting Love CEO Institute. Yeah, I would respond immediately to my intuition and take inspired action sooner.

What is the most useless talent you have?

My most useful talent is empathy.  Empathy is one of the core pillars of the Love Intelligence method I have developed over the years and with it I have been able to

Do you sing in the shower? What songs?

I actually haven’t sung in the shower in a while, but I do sing every time I get a check in the mail or when I’m notified that money hits my bank account.  I literally blast “Dinero”, by J-Lo and dance to the whole song.  Whether it’s 50-cents or $5,000 the same wild energetic dance happens.  I took money manifestation course a few years ago and celebrating every cent that comes into your life is recommended.  So, I do it. And I truly think it helps.

You are a new addition to a crayon box.  What colour would you be and why?

If I was a new addition to a crayon box my color would be Red Sparkles full of love, so anyone who saw it and used it would know that they are love and loved.

If you had to describe yourself as a flavour, what would it be?

If I were to describe myself in a flavor it would be a new version of Umami that was both spicy and sweet.  Umami is that indescribable complex flavor in dishes that keeps people guessing and coming back for more.

What’s your most expensive piece of clothing?

My most expensive piece of clothing is perfume.  LOL. Does that count as clothing? It’s something I wear.

Do you have any superstitions?

I wouldn’t really say this is a superstition.  It is more a belief.  I don’t believe in calories

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