Gary Dranow and the Manic Emotions Reveals Their 3rd New Blues Rock Single

Aiden Faire
Aiden Faire - Music Reviewer
3 Min Read
(Made It) Another Day

Gary Dranow is the mastermind behind the classic rock band Gary Dranow and the Manic Emotions based out of Park City, UT. A successful businessman in his own right with endeavors in the world of outdoor sports, Gary turned to music to help him cope with bipolar disorder and the effects of a stroke. The result is a genre-defying and vulnerable collection of songs that provide comfort to those who are also walking a difficult path. 

The band’s latest release, the blues rock and country single “(Made It) Another Day,” has a twang within the strings of the guitar and a purpose behind the lyrics. The song has an Eric Clapton sound and style meets country music.

Gary Dranow and the Manic Emotions

“(Made It) Another Day” encompases the daily life of someone who lives with mental illness. It really depicts what it’s like to try your hardest every single day for your day to end the same way. To have your personal and professional life disrupted by your sensitivity to others around you, basically setting you back every time you think you have made a step forward. Then you go to sleep with the weight of the world on your shoulders and then wake the next morning free of those feelings and being surprised you’ve made it another day to take on your daily struggle once again.

“The lyric ‘Like a Rat in a wheel’ brings the image to life of the never ending struggle to get your personal life in order only to be dissuaded at the end of every day and that making progress in the inevitable headwinds that buffet your life,” shares Gary. “It’s about living with mental illness, in my case Bipolar and Mania.”

Gary Dranow and The Manic Emotions will be releasing all tracks as singles leading up to an early 2023 release of the full 14 song album Destiny Road . The forthcoming album features the talent of Jethro DeFries on drums, the brilliant Jerry Manfredi on bass and musical direction, and Tommy Mars on keyboards.

Connect with Gary Dranow and the Manic Emotions

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