Being the best ‘YOU’ you can be

Susan Mac Nicol
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Hi there, it’s been a while I know but I’ve been pretty busy getting real life stuff sorted, so apologies for not being around much.

I wanted to talk a bit today about doing things you love; things you have a passion for. We all have them, whether it be drawing, writing, cooking, baking, bungee jumping, going to the gym — it’s life affirming to have something that makes you feel good about yourself.

For me, it’s writing, writing, reading and getting involved with things that make a difference in other people’s lives. I’m not a do-gooder I don’t think, depending on how you use the term. I’m simply someone who is blessed to have gone through tough times with the support of some wonderful people and come out feeling fairly comfortable with myself and my life. I have my hang ups of course, but I guess they’re what makes me, Me.


My writing has helped me work through some personal issues I’ve had since I was thirteen. I experienced something back then which clouded my thoughts about a certain subject and writing stories about romance, sex and love has helped me realise my experience isn’t what forms me, or what makes me tick. It’s only a small part of who I am.

I wanted to give something back to others who perhaps feel they have things that have made them who they are but don’t define them, or label them. People should be allowed to be different, to embrace the unique being that is them. I found my outlet in this in becoming a Charity trustee for an up and coming organisation that wants to try and encourage people to embrace their differences and realise that whoever they are, it’s okay to be that person. No matter who you are, what you look like or what your difference is.


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Startup Stock Photos


Over a year ago I met this fabulous person called Tracy Shayler. We met through my books, had lunch together and have kept in touch ever since. She’s an inspiration to me, and I don’t think I tell her that enough. She’s faced adversity and comes through fighting and positive and to me, that’s awesome. When I heard of the campaign she and her friend Kieran Stanbridge were putting together, called #BeingMe, I knew I wanted to be part of it. I knew I’d have something to offer, even it was making the tea, or *sigh* writing the minutes lol. The whole concept of this charity is so simply mind blowing that when I found out they needed trustees, I didn’t hesitate to apply. I’m now proud to say I’ve been appointed as a charity trustee and I can’t wait to see how everything develops. Because I know absolutely that this charity is going great places and will affect a lot of people’s lives, for the better. It’s a big world out there with different people inhabiting it which is what makes it so exciting.


It’s exciting, challenging, a little scary and daunting. And I’m ecstatic that I’m going to be part of its journey.

If you’d like to find out more, Divine published a post about it back in June and you can read it here

About the author

About the author call_made

Susan Mac Nicol

Susan writes steamy, sexy and fun contemporary gay romance stories, some suspenseful, some gritty and dark, and others just plain ahhhh. She loves being part of ‘stuff’ and embraces challenges, finding it difficult to say no to exciting ventures. That’s probably why she’s loves being Editor in Chief at Divine Magazine, an online LGBTQ e-zine, and a Charity Board trustee at The Being Me Campaign in London The LGBTQI community and world diversity are the two things she’s truly passionate about, apart from her writing and her poor hard done by, eye rolling but incredibly supportive family. She’s passionate about research for her books and has stayed in a circus, taken lessons from a blind person on how it feels to be non-sighted, and travelled to a lighthouse with maintenance crew to see first-hand what it’s like inside. She’s also written a screen play with Hollywood actor and heart-throb Nicholas Downs, with a view to taking her latest release, Sight Unseen, to the big screen. It’s a huge project but she’s loving every minute. Susan attained PAN status with the Romance Writers of America with her first M/M book, Stripped Bare. She’s currently a member of The Society of Authors in the UK and the Authors Guild in the US. She enjoys being a member of Queer Romance Ink, All Author, Book + Main Bites and the Paranormal Romance Guild. Check out her website for links.

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