Exclusive Interview With Pole Dancer Andre Corey

Susan Mac Nicol
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Good morning or afternoon everyone! And somewhere in the world it’s Pimms time *winks* If that’s not your poison, then coffee or tea might be a good idea…what’s that you say? Beer time? Of course, that’ll do too ?

I have an interview to delight you today, with an entertaining and, dare I say it, a fabulous young man called Andre Corey.

He’s fabulous for a number of reasons. One, he’s as talented as all hell as a pole dancer. Two-he came to my rescue when I was put out a plaintive plea for someone to enact a scene from one of my books- Waiting For Rain. It was a –yes, you guessed it, pole dancing scene. Three –well just take a look at him writhing and making sensuous love to the pole in the book trailer, and look at his modelling pictures and you’ll realise why there’s a number three. And a four…and a five…

You can see the book trailer below and Andre’s routine to the Sneaker Pimps ‘Small Town Witch’.

I managed to pin him down for a short time from his busy life and he was kind enough to answer some questions for me.

Me: You are a very adored member of the pole dance group that myself and fellow admin Shannella Mcbeth run on Facebook.

Male Pole Dance Groupies (And more)

This particular group is now over 1450 members, and includes world-class professionals in the genre. When I started it, I had no idea it would prove so popular. One of the good things about groups like this is it brings what you do as men into people’s minds and lives and perhaps opens up the sport/art to those who didn’t even know it existed. What’s your perception out there of how people in general perceive fellas pole dancing?

AC: I think most people perceive it fine, they see how much hard work, strength and flexibility training goes into a performance and they love it. I mean you’re always gonna have haters who don’t agree with what you’re doing but I say fuck ’em?

Me: Too bloody true. Love that sentiment and endorse it whole heartedly. You model as well, and I’ve seen some of those pictures *fans herself* How do you fit this all in with the dancing, the day job and life in general?


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AC: I’m a very busy boy, haha. Most of my days are 12 hours plus. You can sleep when you’re dead, right? I have my mind set on a few goals within the next 5 years so if I want to achieve them I gotta put in the hard work and the long days! Just keep swimming, just keep swimmin….

Me: We don’t know much about the man behind the pole dancer, and I’m betting you’re a very private person when it comes to your personal life. Is there anything you’d like to share with us here that you feel comfortable sharing? Like, do you have a significant other, if not, do you want one because I’m sure the guys would all be queuing up at your door ?

AC: Haha yes despite what people may think, I’m a very introverted and private person and a bit of a loner (I love spending time by myself). As for a partner, yes 🙂 I’m not sure if I love him or his dog more though….

Me: They say tattoos are a window to the soul and most have some deeper meaning. Is this the case with your lovely body art? I know the ladies (and men) in the pole dance group ooh and aah over your ink, but is there a meaning to them?


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AC: There’s a personal meaning to some and some are just purely beautiful works of art on my skin

Me: As a gay man yourself, you must see a lot of injustice and bigotry in the world belong to a group of mostly teens who struggle with this and some of the stories they tell are horrific. They’ve been kicked out of family homes, disowned, beaten and even thought about suicide and it’s a really bad place to be.

If you were a young man or woman reading this post, and were gay and not sure how to handle it, would you have any advice for them?

AC: Been there, done that and got the medal! Honestly, our struggles are what shapes us and makes us who we are. You may not be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel just yet but I promise it gets better. Stand tall, be proud and take shit from NOBODY!

Me: Thanks for sharing that with us Andre. Love the answers and the sense of ‘Be Yourself For Yourself’ that comes across in them.

And now for something quick and tasty that tells us a little more about you in a fun way

Favourite colour Black (don’t tell me it’s not a colour)

Boxers or briefs? Briefs

Winter or Summer? Summer but anything over 30 degrees Celsius is NOT OKAY

Surfing or Sunbathing? Swimming…

Book or film? Film

Favourite city ever? San Francisco

Latest man-crush, if you have one? (Everybody knows mine is Benedict Cumberbatch…)

OOOH probably all of the beefcakes I follow on Instagram haha (The sound of feet as everyone rushes to Instagram to follow Andre and see who he follows)

If money were no object, what would you do? Open up my own studio and probably volunteer with an animal charity (is that a really boring answer?)

Me: Nope, that answer isn’t boring at all. It sounds like a pretty good place to be.

If you could choose a super power, what would it be? Flight!

There you have him, ladies and gentlemen. The ‘fabulous’ Andre Corey giving us some insight into who he is. I hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed asking the questions…

and of course.

Just keep swimming, just keep swimmin’….

Here is a link to Andre’s YouTube channel and Modelling page

Andre Corey -You Tube

Andre Corey


My next interview will be with a wonderful woman called Tracy Shayler. She’s a friend of mine, and a lady who is committed to helping people especially the gay youth community. I asked her some tough questions and she’s working on them at the moment. I think you’ll love what she has to say…even if it might be a little disturbing.

image sources

  • Better Man: Jonno Davies and Robbie Williams as "Robbie Williams" in Better Man from Paramount Pictures.
  • Kate-Hull: Photo courtesy of Andrea Costrino & Co. Portrait Photography
  • milanis clark: Photo Credit:  Zachariah Schmitt

About the author

About the author call_made

Susan Mac Nicol

Susan writes steamy, sexy and fun contemporary gay romance stories, some suspenseful, some gritty and dark, and others just plain ahhhh. She loves being part of ‘stuff’ and embraces challenges, finding it difficult to say no to exciting ventures. That’s probably why she’s loves being Editor in Chief at Divine Magazine, an online LGBTQ e-zine, and a Charity Board trustee at The Being Me Campaign in London The LGBTQI community and world diversity are the two things she’s truly passionate about, apart from her writing and her poor hard done by, eye rolling but incredibly supportive family. She’s passionate about research for her books and has stayed in a circus, taken lessons from a blind person on how it feels to be non-sighted, and travelled to a lighthouse with maintenance crew to see first-hand what it’s like inside. She’s also written a screen play with Hollywood actor and heart-throb Nicholas Downs, with a view to taking her latest release, Sight Unseen, to the big screen. It’s a huge project but she’s loving every minute. Susan attained PAN status with the Romance Writers of America with her first M/M book, Stripped Bare. She’s currently a member of The Society of Authors in the UK and the Authors Guild in the US. She enjoys being a member of Queer Romance Ink, All Author, Book + Main Bites and the Paranormal Romance Guild. Check out her website for links.

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