Welcome to Life Balance with Kristina and April Kelley

April Kelley
April Kelley 3 Min Read

I’m a full-time writer, a part-time teacher, and I have two children plus a husband who sometimes makes me feel like I have three kids. I’m the author of LGBTQ romance, both self-published and with a small press publisher.

I’m not here to talk endlessly about my books, though. I’m here to talk about all the other stuff I do when I’m not sitting behind a computer with some of my favorite characters. It’s all the other stuff, which makes the writing possible.

One thing I learned on my journey to become a published author is that no one writes over thirty novellas in two years without a little support from friends and family.

One of my biggest supporters is my daughter Kristina. I’ll be asking her to take over the column from time to time. Kristina is a full time college student and an aspiring chef. Like any normal teenager, she has an active and busy social life. However she still manages to find time to help with cooking. Preparing food is a family affair and together we’ve learned the art of the quick, healthy meal.

Life Balance is all about sharing some of our tricks. Kristina will share some of her quick, healthy recipes and talk a bit about the importance of getting your butt out of the office chair and she’ll show you how to have fun while you do it. I’ll talk about ways to schedule your writing around a busy day job and family, how to find out when your most productive time of the day is, and even how to motivate yourself into writing at all.

Do you have writer’s block? I have a few tricks for you. Or maybe you just want to stop talking about writing and actually get words on paper. Not sure where to start? I’ll tell you the methods that work for me. I’ll even talk about some of the best resources for authors and share some marketing tricks.

We’ll kick off next week with a fun, healthy Mexican inspired recipe perfect for a light dinner.

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April Kelley is an author of LGBT Romance. Her works include The Journey of Jimini Renn, which was a Rainbow Awards finalist, Whispers of Home, the Saint Lakes series, and over thirty more. Living in Southwest Michigan, April resides with her husband and two kids. She has been an avid reader for several years. Ever since she wrote her first story at the age of ten, the characters in her head still won't stop telling their stories. If April isn't reading or writing, she can be found outside playing with the animals or taking a long walk in the woods. If you wish to contact her, email authoraprilkelley@gmail.com. Please visit her website at authoraprilkelley.com