Diabetes has deep-reaching effects on your body’s functioning. You may have heard about the adverse effects of diabetes on organs like the eyes, heart, and nerves. But you must not …
Guest PostsHealth & Wellness
Everything Most Know About Dental and Oral Health
by Contributorby Contributor 0 minutes readDental and oral health are important aspects of general health and well-being. Poor oral hygiene will result in dental cavities and gum illness, and has additionally been coupled to cardiovascular …
Aging is a normal part of each life process, and it occurs in every cell, tissue, and organ. Specific changes in your body slowly impact the teeth and gums, such …
Health & Wellness
5 Best Practices for Maintaining Healthy Teeth and Gums
by Divine Magazine
0 minutes read
We all understand the importance of good oral hygiene. However, many of us aren’t putting enough care and attention into how we brush, floss, and treat our teeth and gums. …