New release under my penname, BLMorticia! Where There’s Smoke. An MMM enemies to lovers, interracial, poly romance. Santiago Mendoza Chicago nearly destroyed me, but moving to Cobalt, I found everything …
Anasa’s Awakening Immortals Book Three by Michael Mandrake
by Author Sharita Lira 1 minutes readBlurb: Downtrodden and beaten by his Master, Anasa departs Nouvelle Terre for the solitude he can only find on earth. He must decide if serving a demon lord that has …
Blazing Trails with Hirah Blaze by BL Morticia Bisexual Romance
by Author Sharita Lira 0 minutes readBL’s followup to The Wretched Takes serial is on Kindle Unlimited. I recommend you read the books first before reading Hirah so you’d know all the other characters. They are …
Under the Gun 1&2 by BLMorticia are Available Now on KU!
by Author Sharita Lira
0 minutes read
Under the Gun 1 & 2 are available on Kindle Unlimited. Here are the blurbs for each book!