Meet Andie Loren

Meet Andie Loren, a Toronto-based singer/songwriter whose enchanting blend of dream pop and rock is taking the music scene by storm.

Divine Magazine
Divine Magazine
7 Min Read

If you appreciate songs that dive deep into the complexities of human emotions, her music is bound to resonate with you. Loren’s lyrics beautifully encapsulate themes of love, loss, and the emotional rollercoaster that relationships often entail, drawing you into a world where every note feels personal and relatable.

Your experience with music might tell you that some artists have an innate ability to tap into the human experience, and that’s exactly what Loren does. She explores the nuances of love with an honesty that is both straightforward and refreshing. You can feel her rich, warm vocals touching on the intricate layers of our relationships—how love can uplift us one moment and consume us the next. Loren’s approach to songwriting is open, inviting you to reflect on your own experiences as you connect with her poignant narratives.

Hearts Grow Wide Artwork
Artwork Credit: Jen Squires Photography

Andie has released her latest single, “Hearts Grow Wide.” It discusses the contemporary dating culture and the aspiration to establish romantic relationships. The majority of us desire to be in a truly loving relationship; however, the current circumstances are exceedingly challenging. It should be as straightforward as it was in the past. Regrettably, I do not anticipate that this will occur in the near future. What a letdown. At least we have the option of listening to Hearts Grow Wide.

Shiny guitar, melodic bass, energetic percussion, and dreamy synths are all present in Hearts Grow Wide. I appreciate the manner in which the vocals themselves generate tension. It is evident that the chorus is of exceptional quality upon inspecting it closely.

Andie Loren -Hearts Grow Wide (Official Video)

Stream Hearts Grow Wide here

If you find yourself craving music with emotional depth, Andie Loren’s work is imperative listening. Her storytelling ability transforms everyday experiences into compelling narratives, inviting you to reflect on your own path through love and relationships. With a unique sound that blends elements of dream pop and rock, Loren ensures that you are not just a passive listener, but an active participant in the emotional landscape she creates.

As you explore Andie Loren’s music, you may discover a piece of yourself in her songs. This is an artist whose voice is destined to make you feel, think, and ultimately connect more deeply with the world around you.

What is your creative process?

I have a lot of melodies in my head. If there’s one that keeps coming at me, I’ll grab my guitar, figure out the chords and begin to write.

I’m not always sure what I want to write about but usually it’s about something I’ve been through or something I’m questioning. I don’t spend months writing a song. I’ll keep working on it for a few days until I have all the parts, and then record a demo in my home studio. Once I bring it to the producer it can evolve from there. 

Who would you most like to collaborate with?

I’d love to work with Sharon Van Etten. She’s such a great songwriter and very diverse in her style. She also comes across as not having much of an ego and I like that. I think we’d work well together.

What famous musicians do you admire?

There are so many, but if I had to choose I would say Bowie, Lennon/McCartney, Stevie Nicks, Prince, Joni Mitchell and the list goes on and on!

If you could pass on a nugget of wisdom to the next generation, what would it be?

If we’re talking about music, I would tell them not to just listen to mainstream artists and what’s popular at the moment. Take a chance on the obscure and unknown songwriters out there. I’ve really been inspired by many. I stumbled upon a lot of incredible songs in the past few years. There are some real hidden gems out there.

What is your biggest challenge?

My biggest challenge is trying not to second guess myself and compare myself to others. I believe in my music but it’s hard to stay positive when there are thousands of people doing the same thing. It can be very daunting. I think I’m learning to focus on the joy of making music and trying not to worry about social media numbers and followers. It can really consume you in a negative way. I think the important thing is to write good songs and the rest is the icing on the cake.

What is your most useless talent?

Crunching macaroni and pretending to break a bone. It sounds so real. My friends get a kick out of it.

What was the last series you watched?

The Night Agent. It’s a lot of action/adventure, and suspense with a bit of romance. Right up my alley.

What fictional character do you wish was real?

Jason Bourne. It’s good to have a friend who can protect you for literally anything!

Do you have a lucky item, object, traditions?

I sometimes carry a jasper thumbstone. A good friend gave it to me. I keep it in my pocket and when I feel nervous or anxious, I rub it.

It actually calms me and I give them as gifts to friends who might need them.

What would you bring along to an idyllic picnic?

Brownies. Really fudgy ones, and I’d probably eat most of them.

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