Interview with Mary Keey

Divine Magazine
Divine Magazine, your ultimate destination for the latest trends in lifestyle, health, music, home/garden, and more.
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Mary Keey is an unbelievably hypnotic pop artist, which will have you dancing in the street.

The Mary Keey Sound is refreshingly distinctive; her songs are addictively catchy, up-tempo, feel good songs, which have a pop and Caribbean fusion feel to it. Being influenced by some of the most popular artists of the day, which include Taylor Swift, Demi Lovato, Rita Ora and Ellie Goulding. However, she believes that the distinctiveness of her music is what has brought about their popularity in the United States and Europe.

What first got you into music?

My parents are both big music lovers I went to my first festival with them when I was 4 years old. So, Music was always a big part of my life. I then started translating the songs I was listening to way before my first English lesson at school. And they inspired me to write my poems I wrote in English. I was never a big fan of the German language when it comes to poetic texts and lyrics. It’s a very hard language – The English language is much smoother and more flexible.

What is your creative process like?

Usually, I have a section in my phone where I write anything that comes to my mind. When my producer shows me the ideas he has for a song or so I get inspired let’s say 99% of the times. I mostly get an idea for a concept what the song should be about and then I find something that I had in mind and combine them with what I already wrote before. Of course, those scribbles of text usually don’t fit the rhyme of the song exactly, but it gives me an idea of the words and phrases that bring out the emotion I am looking for.

Are you finding the isolation of the pandemic conducive to your writing or is it hindering the experiences you can write about?

I actually wrote a song about it. It’s called Free. I find there is a lot of division about how this pandemic was handled by each country and people had very strong believes on what should have been done etc… Where I was not agreeing with everyone, I could always understand both sides and I came to the conclusion that nobody can have a correct solution for this problem, but that all I wished to restore was this freedom that was taken from us. Especially if you watch what happened to the music scene. I did not feel that I was free to do what I wanted, when I wanted anymore. And that was pretty scary to me. But then I also had hope that anything is possible and that we can come out of this situation again.

What is one message you would give to your fans?

That I really appreciate them. One of the biggest compliments I get is when I hear that someone took the time to listen not only my music but also cares what my lyrics say. I usually try to inspire and leave some things open to suggestion and I think each person can interpret what they see in them. I do care a big deal about it.

Where have you performed? What is your favourite and least favourite venues? Do you have any upcoming shows?

We got to play at the famous Kenny’s Castaway a couple of months before they closed.The atmosphere in there was amazing. You could feel that some great music had its start in those walls.You can never quite tell what’s going to expect you when you are on the road. Sometimes you arrive to a venue and thing this is going to be a mess… or not work out well… and then you have the party of your life, cause the people are just awesome!

We will be going on our next tour soon! I say we cause live I play with a band: Nikk Savinelli plays guitar and Marco Binda plays the drums and it will be in and around Los Angeles this December 2021. It’s a big deal for us. My first time going on a 14 hour flight!

What about your music is rebellious, unconventional, or unusual?

I feel I have a rather rebellious personality at the same time I am actually quite introvert. I guess it shines through the way I use my voice. But I leave that to the listener to judge.

If you were to write an autobiography, what would the title be?

How to get out of the mess you’ve created. I tend to get myself in messy situations, and then I somehow have to find new ways to get out of it. It’s not always my fault though, sometimes it’s just bad luck.

What makes you nostalgic?

Looking at photos of things that have passed. I guess the older the worse I get. I try to live in the present but sometimes it’s also good to look back and see what happened. I tend to forget sometimes. I guess there is this nostalgic which is bringing you to a happy place of good memories, but sometimes they also bring out moments you would like to forget, not necessarily in the photo but with the memories connected with it.

Many times, they do inspire me to write new songs though.

If you could change anything about yourself, what would it be?

I would like to be less vulnerable. I would take the things less personally and it would not slow me down in going where I want to go.

What’s your most expensive piece of clothing?

I usually don’t spend a fortune in clothing, but I do have one expensive super cool jacket that I wear like always. I care to get clothing that can be combined between each other so I can get the most out of it.

If you could learn any language fluently, what would it be?

Finnish. I am a big Finland Fan and I worked there for a couple of months some years ago. But it was so difficult to learn because it has no similarities to any other European language. I just love the way it sounds.

If you were talking to a younger version of you, what advice would you give yourself?

Don’t be afraid to be who you are. If you are different that’s fine. If others hate on you because you are different, they are just jealous or frustrated themselves.





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