Interview with Kimi Kazee

Divine Magazine
Divine Magazine, your ultimate destination for the latest trends in lifestyle, health, music, home/garden, and more.
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Like her Japanese kamikaze namesake, Kimi Kazee has come crashing into the music industry with no holds barred. Based in Montreal, Kimi has a background in spirituality, visual art, and audio production.

While she develops her craft in her bedroom studio, Kimi’s creations always come back to identity, individual growth, complicated relationship dynamics, and mental health.

Getting to know Kimi

Do you sing in the shower? What songs?

I 100% sing in the shower. Most of the time I listen to music and sing a long other times it’s just random melodies or freestyles that come out.

You are a new addition to a crayon box. What colour would you be and why?

Right now I think im a hot pink, its a new found love for me and i really dig the color.

If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?

What should I be working on? I do try to connect with my future self as much as I can for guidance or reassurance.

If you could learn any language fluently what would it be?

I think japanese or Chinese because it is so different from french and english.

If you were talking to a younger version of yourself, what advice would you give yourself?

Always love and be kind to yourself no matter what ‘mistakes’ you make.

Has your musical journey had a deliberate direction or did it simply gradually evolve in whatever direction it found?

I think my journey has always had a direction. I have always made decision that helped me to grow in whatever skill I feel needs improving at the time.

Have you always been interested in music? Was there a particular song/performance that made you say “Woah! I want to do that!”?

For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to pursue a career in music and become a singer. I think that I’ve had multiple moments in my life that have really made me say I need to do that! But the earliest one I can remember is watching a tour documentary when I was young of the band simple plan it would always light me up inside.

What are your musical plans for the next 12 months or so?

Releasing and making as much new music as I can!

What are your ambitions as a songwriter and musician from here?

I just want to continue to grow and improve my music as a whole. My main focus right now is to improve my vocals and have a consistent and easy singing voice. I would also like to improve my engineering and having all pieces of my songs compliment each other better.

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What draws you to your preferred genre?

Production and lyrics! I think production is super important to really set the tone and move people, so when there’s good production I can really feel it in my soul. The way someone uses words and the different techniques to describe feelings or situations just helps me to connect and feel more.

What is your biggest musical challenge?

My biggest challenge is my confidence. I struggle as many others do with feeling good enough or having confidence in my skills especially when it comes to singing. Singing has always been something I have known I wanted to do, but I kept it private for close to 22 years. So breaking down these bounderies and changing the way I think has been one of the biggest challenges I’ve faced so far.

Would you like to collaborate with anyone? If so who and why?

I would love to collaborate with chase atlantic. I think that their production and songwriting skills are amazing and I would love to learn from them. They are one of my biggest inspirations and they helped to push myself and really step into this path.

How do you deal with writer’s block?

I try not to force anything but I try to get something out. whatever comes out usually isn’t to my satisfaction but I just leave it and try not to judge myself. Most of the time the next day or so it’ll come back.

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