Home Music & ArtistsArtist Interviews Interview with Hip-Hop Artist BebeSol

Interview with Hip-Hop Artist BebeSol

by Divine Magazine
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An artist whose music fuses English & Spanish, ethereal & emo, and effortlessly crosses boundaries and genres. “punk 7 7” immediately transports you to a glitchy dystopia where you join BebeSol on a blood-pumping journey through a dreamy, neon landscape that feels fresh out of the likes of Blade Runner.

Getting to know BebeSol

Do you have a cherished childhood teddy bear or other stuffed animal sitting on your bed at home?

I have an oversized Beanie Baby golden retriever named Skippy who lives on my bed. His head always flops to the left, and I love him for it. 

What makes you nostalgic?

Everything. I’m a deeply sensitive lil soul with a bite. Curse being a Cancer Sun, Cancer Moon, Scorpio Ascendant. :’)

What would you bring along to an idyllic picnic?

Ripe strawberries, cherries, and watermelon, cold brew with oat milk, an LSD microdose spray and a CBD joint. Oh, and a sketchpad and/or journal. Maybe a book of poetry by Rumi. And, most importantly, good company. :3

As a kid were you ever frightened of a monster under the bed or in the cupboard?

I still am, but now I have a knife and pepper spray. >:)

If you could change anything about yourself what would it be?

I’m going to be cliche and say absolutely nothing — I am far from perfect, but I think that’s what makes me utterly perfect. In fact, I think that’s what makes everyone and everything perfect. Perfectly imperfect, always in process. Humans are so cool. Earth is so beautiful. What a wild ride. I love it here. 

What about your music is rebellious, unconventional, or unusual?

My goal is to unapologetically explore and accept the authentic full range of my emotions, so I really try to stay away from making music about the superficial. Music that glorifies money, violence and the objectification of living beings make me cringe. On the other hand, I’m also a very “you do you” kind of person. As long as you’re not harming anyone, make the kind of art you love. Personally, I strive to make music that radiates universal love and self-acceptance. If I can inspire one person every day to love themself more wholly and know their own worthiness, then I know I’m fulfilling my true purpose. <3

Have you got a ritual of sorts when writing and thinking about your music? / What is your creative process like?

I don’t force my music. I only try to work on new songs when inspiration is flowing. Sometimes that inspiration is felt in the form of chills, sometimes it’s pure euphoria and sometimes it’s straight-up ugly crying. I let myself feel what I feel, and I don’t bottle it up. I believe music is one of the most potent forms of self-expression. Through sound vibration and rhythm, we’re given the gift to completely shift how a listener feels, and therefore change their entire perspective on their current reality. That is so powerful, and to quote Uncle Ben, “with great power comes great responsibility.” 🙂

How do you feel the Internet has impacted the music business?

I literally couldn’t make music without the internet. From start to finish, I require the World Wide Web for each of my notes to traverse their way into your eardrums. Social media makes me sick sometimes (I greatly prefer real-life human interfacing), but I am insanely grateful for my ability to reach an audience virtually anywhere on this entire planet. 

Where was your current project recorded?

In my bedroom throughout the course of this pandemic. 

What are your plans for any future releases?

I have an exciting single ready to kick off the summer, and I’m planning to release an EP around my birthday (7/7) which will explore how humans and love have been completely commoditized by consumerism. 

Would you have any advice for would-be artists or songwriters wanting to follow in your footsteps?

Be you. Don’t try to fit the mold of anyone else – you never will. Your unique voice and experience are your gift to the planet, the universe and all of humanity. Reality is liquid and the outer world we experience is a reflection of our inner world. Attention is the only real currency — what you choose to focus on always grows. 

What is the best advice you’ve been given?

Don’t die with your music still inside you. 


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