Home Guest Posts A List of Top 10 Edible Flowers

A List of Top 10 Edible Flowers

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Generally, flowers are used to worship gods, decorate houses and offices for special occasions, give a grand welcome to VIP public figures, to purpose the opposite sex, etc.  Did you ever imagine that flowers can be eaten by human beings too? It sounds amazing, but it is absolutely true. There are a number of flowers that you can eat easily. Just have a look at the list of the top 10 edible flowers:

  1. Lily

You must have noticed that Lily petals are often decorated with cakes and salads. It is the most popular delicacy is candied flowers that are served as a separate dessert. Many people add this Chinese flower to meat dishes, pilafs, and fry them in butter.

You must always keep in mind that Lilies have a very strong smell, which causes allergies to many people. So, if you fall into their category, then it becomes harmful for you.

  1. Nasturtium

Nasturtium is very pleasant to eat – slightly spicy and almost peppery. Therefore, the petals of these flowers are widely used in salads. They are also added to soups, casseroles, stews, minced meat, and marinades during several food festivals. The high content of vitamin B makes this flower an indispensable component in cooking.

This flower is popular among people because of its medicinal properties and taste characteristics. Always keep in mind that Nasturtium (Tropaeolum) is a single perennial herb belonging to the nasturtium family.

  1. Calendula

Marigold petals look beautiful in soups, pasta and cereals, salads and sauces. Actually, they taste sharp with a little pepper-spicy aftertaste. Calendula is an excellent dye also as it can give any dish a Golden colour and make your mouth water. Despite the rapidly growing use of calendula is relevant in many areas of human life, the flower received a special demand as a medicinal raw material. Everyone can use the unique healing qualities of the plant.  Before eating this flower, consider its therapeutic properties, and the contraindications of calendula carefully.

  1. Violet

As a decoration, a violet adds more beauty to a glass of alcoholic beverages. Basically, the flowers of violets competently emphasize dessert dishes-chocolate, cakes, pastries, soufflés, ice cream and sorbets. But they also look well in meat dishes.

  1. Lavender

Lavender will do well in the marinade for meat or fish and also gives incomparable flavour baking and desserts, such as jellies. It is often found in broths and sauces. Lavender is very economical as just a few flowers can give a lot of taste and smell.

Always keep in mind that the lavender is used in folk medicine, cooking, and cosmetology. You can make tea, infusion, lavender broth and use it in masks for face, body, and hair.

  1. Daisys

It looks very romantic & appears like a regular sandwich, sprinkled with petals of daisies. They are also sprinkled with salads, vegetables before serving, added to porridge and pasta, and used as a filler for butter, and sauces in western countries.

  1. Zucchini

It is an incredibly popular, delicious. You would definitely live to enjoy the tender snack of these flowers – stuffed zucchini flowers. o prepare this dish, you need to have the skill and accuracy because the flowers are very thin. They are also eaten raw, fried in batter, and crumbled into a salad in daily life food items.

  1. Dandelions

The Jam of rose petals we have explained above. But, how can you not forget the jam made up of dandelions! Its name itself smells of summer and sun. However, the taste of dandelion is not sweet. Its bitter taste makes it an ideal recipe for making delicious gourmets by adding to spicy salads and soups.

  1. Gladiolus

It is a very useful vitamin flower which is used mainly in drinks and tinctures. It will help you to get rid of depression, neurosis, calm a headache, and give strength. Gladiolus looks beautiful and bright, which allows you to use it as a decor of sweet dishes.

  1. Fuchsia

Fuchsia is used as a decoration of more than one dish – mostly desserts and salads- for its unusual beauty. Together with fruits, fuchsia flowers are added to sauces and toppings for pies.


Final Remarks

 There are several flowers that are eaten by men and women in different parts of the world. These are the top 10 flowers consumed by a large number of people along with different food items. So, what are waiting for? Just use these flowers in food items and satisfy your appetite fully.


This post was written by Stella Wilson

 Stella Wilson works as a writer for Melbourne Florist, a leading provider of quality gifts and Cheap Flowers Online Melbourne. She spends too much time in gardening. When she actually manages to get away for more than 10 minutes, he is usually reading books, traveling or shooting photos. For more blogs, you can follow her on Facebook.

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