Meet Tyler and Chris from Steam Room Stories

Divine Magazine
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You might have seen this series. There’s this bunch of very cute and sexy guys and they all gather together in this steam room to chat, poke fun at each other and show off their amazing pecs, and tight asses. Sometimes they even let the towel slip a bit. Damn teases.

They dish the dirt about one other, tease and frustrate the hell out of each other but they have a lot of fun. If you like the sound of this, then you’ve come to the right place in watching Steam Room Stories. It’s a series of webisodes featuring a two-minute comedy sketch starring these hot men in towels in billows of steam. What could be better that that? Obviously, people think nothing is because currently, Steam Room Stories is a profit generating YouTube channel with over 45.5 million views and over 90,000 subscribers.

And as the Divine Editor, I was lucky enough to be able to talk to two of the men who frolic in the Steam Room and make everyone chuckle when the guys deliver some wonderful one-liners…

Tyler Chris

Give a warm welcome to Tyler Richmeier and Chris Boudreaux. I’m doing this interview as a duo, because, as someone once pointed out, two men together are better than one.

In an interview, I mean – what did YOU think of right then?

First, as is the norm, I’m going to ask these guys to answer some silly questions about themselves. 

Tyler wood CREDIT Sandra McCurdy


Have you ever flown a kite?

Yes. (We can see Tyler is a man of few words lol)

Have you ever been skinny-dipping?
Yes. (Nuff said…I mean, who hasn’t)

What do you have on your fridge door?
Nothing. I need some magnets in my life.

Who would win in a fight: Chuck Norris or Jack Bauer?
Chuck Norris. For sure.

What historical time period would you like to live in if you could go back in time?
Medieval times so I could be a knight.



 If you were a fashion designer, what style of clothing or accessories would you design?

For fashion, I would definitely design snowboarding or skating gear. I’ve always liked that style and vibe. 

Have you ever walked out of a cinema before the film was done?

 I walked out on My Big Fat Greek wedding with my mom when it came out. At the time, I just wasn’t into that sort of comedy.

 If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be?

 One day I will retire my mother and father. And when that day comes, I’ll go back to Vegas and give my mom a debit card and tell her “from now on, whenever you need something you use that card. No more 12-hour days of work for you or dad.” I’ve always looked at my life as climbing a huge mountain of success and I’ve been on this climb since I was 18, so I will get to the top of this mountain one day.

So my question for my future self would be, how did it feel giving my mom that card? And how’s the view? 

Thanks, guys, for being such sports and answering those. Now for the real ones.

Tyler couch CREDIT Sandra McCurdy


Which is your favorite Hogwarts house and why? Hah, and you thought I was getting serious? Seriously dude. Like, not happening. (You can tell I’ve been hanging around Nicholas Downs too long. I’m getting LA speech down pat.) Specially for you, here’s a quiz for ardent Harry Potter fans that we found – QUIZ   

Oh, and don’t forget to answer the question…

I’m almost nervous to say this…but my favorite house has to be the one I was sorted into (Pottermore official): Slytherin. I’m not evil, I swear. Haha, I like to think my drive and cunning are what attributed to the Sorting Hat’s decision, but who knows? I’m not complaining—green really brings out my eyes. As far as the fan quiz goes, name the time and place.

I understand there was a time when you wore all Goth-like black clothing, had a mohawk, that you’re a mathlete, and love pop punk. Tell us a bit about these parts of your life and whether any of them are still relevant.

Oh gosh. Haha. The gothic phase and the joining of the mathletics team all happened in middle school, which is basically a place where adults put children while they’re awkwardly transitioning through puberty. The black clothing and the Mohawk were how I rebelled. I was too much of a ‘goody-goody’ to get in trouble or do any of the typical teen angst actions, BUT I was still a teenager (almost) and that angst needed to be expressed somehow. The choice of hairstyle and clothing, however, were due to my infatuation with punk and pop punk music, which I still listen to today. Mathletics, on the other hand, is a funny story…I originally joined mathletics because my friend who I caught a ride home with joined and I didn’t want to walk home alone. I came for the guaranteed ride home but stayed for the snacks. Needless to say, I didn’t learn much. I spent most of my time drawing pictures on the question booklets at competitions.

You love Disney! I have a friend called Becca who would love you, she’s Disney obsessed. Would you like to act as a voice over in a Disney production, or perhaps Pixar or another studio? Have you a specific character you’ve always wanted to play in mind, whether it be voice over acting or in a real-life Beauty and the Beast type movie?

 Becca and I already have so much in common! Haha! I will judge her character based solely on the Disney Channel Original Movies she likes. Just kidding. But not really. And YES. I’d love to do a voice over for a Disney Pixar movie. As far as the live action Disney movie, I think I’d make a good Prince Eric.


You have a desire to act and went to the University of Northern CO to pursue a bachelor’s degree in acting. Was moving to LA an easy transition or have you found it tough to break into the market? Of course, everyone loves Steam Room Stories so you’re doing something right.

Making the move to LA was definitely not an easy one. I actually ended up living in a hotel for a week because I had nowhere to live when I first moved out here. If you’re asking if I regret it, I don’t. Moving from a comfortable environment to one where you don’t know many people, whether those be industry professionals or friends/family, is always going to be a tough transition. However, the challenges you face in doing so provide the opportunity for a lot of personal growth. I’m thankful for every challenge I face because it makes me a stronger individual.

You work as a personal trainer in LA and enjoy working out. What is it about this type of job that gives you fulfillment? What’s a typical day look like for you?

Most days I’m up at either 5 am or 6 am and then I’m right off to meet with my clients. I love my clients. After working with someone for a while, you develop a friendship with them and it’s easier to see how you’re help is affecting they’re life and that’s why I do what I do. Between acting gigs, I wanted to do something that allows me to genuinely help people, and personal training allows me to do that through my passion for fitness.




Your nickname is Bubba. I immediately think of some huge dude in jail when I hear this, one of those tough guys who protect the poor new guy from the evil inmates. I know American usage this means an affectionate term for ‘brother’ and comes from the South, but can you tell us how your nickname came about?

My nickname came from being a big baby. I was born a chubby dude and everyone thought I was gonna be huge but actually, that was the opposite of what truly happened. I became super small and skinny but the name stuck from football. The name Bubba just stuck with me and everyone always knew me as that name. 

Your bio goes quite deeply into your love of acting and that this is where you want to focus. Do you find you’re stereotyped to the jock type, hero or romance interest parts, or similar, when all you want to do is get a serious role under your belt and prove you have talent and can do it?

 With acting, I do audition a lot for the boyfriend or douchebag jock role but I don’t let it discourage me. My goal in my early career is to be the best jock, the best douchebag, or the best boyfriend. Then when I prove myself with that role, people will want to see the different levels or layers of me and they will hopefully give me an opportunity for a deeper emotional role. I don’t stress with acting or worry about type casting because it’s in your hands. You’ll get out what you put in. I spend too much time in school and classes to let myself get lazy, or get stuck in one character or category. It’s all about the work you put in and I’m relentless with my work ethic. 

I know you had a knee injury back when you were playing for the San Francisco 49ers which took you out of the game. You’ve said in your bio that you feel this was your failure. Surely this was not something you could have helped, being hit by a helmet and damaging your knee? Why do you feel you’ve let people down, specifically your family?

 With football and my career, I trained my whole life day in and day out to make it to the NFL. I made it, but didn’t live it. The injury really hurt me and my window to make it a career. I’m a huge believer that everything happens for a reason and I believe God let me touch my goal but didn’t let me live it, so I could use that fire of failure and let me excel in my true craft, acting. I am on a mission to give my family a better life. This isn’t just for me but my entire family back home. I’m fueled up with passion and fire and I’m pointed in one direction.

You’ve been billed as a bit of a bad boy, spent time in jails, are quick with your fists and it was a possibility you could compete in MMA (mixed martial arts) in the Ultimate Fighting Championships. (UFC) What made you decide not to follow this path and instead join the revue?

 I grew up in Las Vegas Nevada, fighting capital of the world. I was always good at fighting and I got in a lot of street fights. I was addicted to it at one point of my life but I truly learned and recognized that I had more to offer than just hand-to-hand combat. My mind is my true power now and I knew I had more to offer than just my fighting skills. 

For you both – what’s on the cards for Tyler and Chris for the future? Tell us about your plans and where ideally you see yourselves ending up in your career and your life. And if you have any advice to anyone trying to follow their dream in this industry, feel free to share it.

Tyler: Career-wise, I would like to break into TV/Film. I used to want to primarily focus on film, but there are some really awesome shows nowadays I’d love to be a part of. My roots are in theatre though, so I’d like to revisit that at some point in my career. There’s a beauty in the subtlety of Film and TV, but there’s nothing quite like the rush of performing in front of a live audience. Long term, if I can continue to study this craft and act until I’m old I will die a happy man. And shoot—if anyone has some advice for ME regarding the industry I’ll take it. Haha. If I were to pass on anything, I’d say to follow your instincts, believe in yourself, and don’t be afraid to fail. If anything, fail a lot and learn from those mistakes.

Chris: I see myself every day and visualize myself as a working successful actor; a man that has a platform but uses that platform only to put good into this world, to benefit those in need, to care for strangers or help people with their dark times. I’m a big believer in supporting your neighbors and even strangers. I want to climb this mountain of success so I can get to the top, then really get to work on helping others. I see myself promoting good all over the world and helping people in need. To give…. that’s what my future WILL BE.

I’d like to thank both Tyler and Chris for giving up their time to answer these questions and give us a glimpse of the men amidst the steam. (I so did not use the Gorillas in the Mist reference there, see?) It’s been fabulous having you both with us, and we wish you all the best of luck in all your future endeavors.

Check out the series here –





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image sources

  • Los Angeles Synthpop Duo Sleek Teeth Unveils Debut EP: Photo Credit: Holy Smoke Photography
  • chitaliving: CHITA LIVING’s New Sofa Collection Brings Comfort and Style to Every Home
  • Ella-Rosa’s-New-Single-FUN: Artwork by Hannah DeVries
  • Better Man: Jonno Davies and Robbie Williams as "Robbie Williams" in Better Man from Paramount Pictures.
  • Kate-Hull: Photo courtesy of Andrea Costrino & Co. Portrait Photography
  • milanis clark: Photo Credit:  Zachariah Schmitt
  • typify-demo03-23: AI chip artificial intelligence, future technology innovation

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