Getting to know The Reveal

Divine Magazine
Divine Magazine
7 Min Read

The Reveal is a trippy blues, funk-punk, rap-rock trio that got lost in the desert.

We got Dusty and Ian here. Dusty plays bass and sings, Ian’s the drummer.

If you could go open a show for any artist who would it be?

Dusty – Rage Against the Machine

Ian – Jack White/ The Raconteurs, Dead Weather, etc

Are you finding the isolation of the pandemic conducive to your writing or is it hindering the experiences you can write about?

Dusty – We’ve been focusing on producing content and finishing things, not so much writing new material yet.

The Reveal

In your opinion, how do artists in this industry stay on top of the game when faced with so much competition? Whatā€™s the secret to making yourself noticed?

Dusty – You can tell in a band’s live show when they are so cohesive that they create real magic on stage. The magic bleeds over into success and I think that’s what separates successful bands from local bands as well as what separates legendary bands from successful bands.

Ian – There will always be a ton of competition to be successful in any creative space. But everything is always evolving and successful artists know how to identify that and adjust accordingly. So in my opinion, the best artists are those that combine new, exciting elements with old characteristics that everybody loves. I think the best example is Post Malone adding a hip hop touch to other genres (country, rock, EDM) but keeping it authentic to him.

I think what sets us apart are those unorthodox elements added to the traditional rock and blues roots that we have. Exploring world music and adding it to our style keeps it fun, we’re always looking for something new.

Whatā€™s next for you?

4 music videos, 3 covers, 2 acoustic remixes, 3 live videos, potentially some demos, then an album.

What about your music is rebellious, unconventional, or unusual?

Dusty – We try to create soundscapes instead of just songs. A lot of the music is lead by the bass.

The Reveal - Help This Man (Lyric Video) Ep. 4

Who are your top two favorite artists of all time? Why those artists?

As a band collectively, Rage Against the Machine and Black Sabbath. We are their baby.

Rage uses music to fight against the lies of the political and business world.

Sabbath uses music to fight against the lies of the devil.

They both reveal the truth. And we are The Reveal; šŸ˜‰

What is your biggest musical challenge?

Ian – Finding ways to grow on my instrument. I’ve been a drummer for 16 years now and am pretty comfortable in my style of playing (rock), so trying new genres like Jazz or Latin music is pretty difficult for me. But staying motivated to find the time and challenge yourself as a player. The analogy “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks” comes to mind.

What inspires your writing? Do you draw inspiration from poems, music, TV, or other media?

Dusty – Religion, spirituality, philosophy and psychology. Movies like 300, Star Wars, Lord of the Rings. Shows like Vikings and Game of Thrones.

If we were to peek over your shoulder, what does your studio look like? What gear do you typically use?

We practice in a storage unit.

Does your music fit into your local scene? If so, how do you take advantage of that? If not, do you see that as an obstacle and what do you do about it?

Dusty – Everyone in the local scene fits. Several rock bands but it seem like everyone has their own sound and it sets up really cool combinations for local shows.


What is the most useless talent you have?

Playing music

You are a new addition to a crayon box. What color would you be and why?

Dusty – Either some crazy bright blue or gold.

Ian – Lime green, it’s the coolest color for a Lamborghini.

What was the last TV series you watched on TV?

Dusty – Vikings. I watched the entire series in a month. It was very unhealthy. Now that it’s over I’m not sure what to do with my life. I don’t watch tv at all but I got sucked in when I saw my buddy Dan watching it.

What historical Figure would you love to see in 21st-century life?

Dusty – I’d have to decide between Jimi Hendrix, Robert Johnson, Ragnar Lothbrok, Vlad the Impaler/Dracula, George Washington, Martin Luther King, Hermes Trismegistus, Pythagoras, King David, Jesus or Buddha.

Ian –  I think JFK would be really cool to plop in the 21st century, seemed like one of the last great leaders this country had. We could definitely use someone like that again. I would also love to have a beer with Elvis and just pick his brain for a few hours.

What makes you nostalgic?

Ian – Anything from the early 2000s to be honest. I was born in the 90s but I’m really a 2000s kid. Old movies especially, I used to watch the Lord of the Rings movies all the time, so whenever I see those movies again, it brings me back to when I was a kid.

Which are cooler? Dinosaurs or Dragons?

Dusty – I’m not sure why this is a question; I really feel like if someone doesn’t choose Dragons they are wrong.

If you could learn any language fluently what would it be?

Dusty – Latin cuz it has magic powers

Ian – Italian

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