Interview with Gina Naomi Baez

Divine Magazine
Divine Magazine
5 Min Read

Gina Naomi Baez is an actress, singer/songwriter, YouTuber and influencer from New York City. With a flourishing acting career having landed roles in Spike Lee’s She’s Gotta Have It, Orange is the New Black and numerous Off-Broadway and Regional theatrical productions, Baez has been a name on everyone’s radar. However, her love and passion for songwriting and music has always been the true driving force behind her creativity, with the artist using her platform to spread messages of positivity. Pushing boundaries and defying genres, Baez’s music beautifully blends pop, country and folk, creating a sound reminiscent of Sia meets Taylor Swift. 

How would you describe the music that you typically create?

I would describe my music to be pop-based with splashes of folky, country vibes. 

What is your creative process like?

I feel like every process in creating a song is different. But what I lyrics are what come to me first before the melody or chord progressions, etc. It’s all about the story and the feelings I am trying to emote.

Who would you most like to collaborate with?

This is such a hard question and if I had to choose just one, I thought my answer would be Taylor Swift…but my love for music is rooted in musical theatre and the more I think about it, I think I would choose Barbra Streisand.

What would you be doing right now if it weren’t for your music career?

I think I would be a child psychologist focused on working with children with cancer and other life threatening diseases. I am a childhood cancer survivor, and I always thought that would be the path I would take if I didn’t choose the performing artist path.


Are you creative in other disciplines?

Yes, in addition to being a singer/songwriter I am passionate about acting onstage and in tv/film. I also have a YouTube channel where I write and produce parodies, mashups and anything else I feel like creating at the moment!

Do you sing in the shower? what songs?

Yes, I do sing in the shower. Lately I’ve been singing Taylor Swift’s Folklore and Evermore just on a loop!

If you could be a superhero, what would your superhero power be, and your name be?

My superhero power would be invisibility and my superhero name would be GINITA!

What fictional character do you wish was real?

I think I have to go with Elsa from Frozen!

What was the last TV series you watched on TV?

The last TV series I watched was HACKS on HBO. I 100% recommend.

If you could learn any language fluently, what would it be?

I would have to go with Spanish. My entire extended family speaks it fluently, but my parents never spoke to me growing up. I have always longed to be able to speak Spanish fluently.

Gina Naomi Baez Liquor Love

Gina has dropped her new single “Liquor Love”

“Liquor Love” narrates the need to wean toxicity out of your life. Baez shares, “The music is inspired by questions I ask myself a lot: Is this going to serve me? Is this going to move me forward and help me grow? Is this healthy for me? Or is this just…liquor love?”. Taking inspiration from the likes of Adele and Lorde, Baez draws on alt-pop touches making her music fresh and zesty with a sharper punch to her shimmering vocals.

The atmospheric flush of foggy production is met by a deep bass sound and mystical whooshes. Accompanied with stunning vocal layers Baez adds a gentle touch to the weighted subject matter. With a pop sensibility, the contrasting dark and light of the production relays the feeling of being weighed down by addiction, whilst also grazing over the beauty of freedom by accepting your situation and healing.

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