Go-To Fitness Tips From Certified Personal Trainer Stephanie Rofkahr

Divine Magazine
By Divine Magazine
7 Min Read
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When it comes to finding a balance with fitness and nutrition and having a healthier lifestyle all around, then turn to certified personal trainer and nutritionist Stephanie Rofkahr. 

Stephanie Rofkahr can customize a nutrition coaching plan and fitness training for you to fit your needs and to take you to the next level. She is the best of the best when it comes to being an expert in the industry and is featured in TV interviews and national media. We caught up with the influential trainer Stephanie Rofkahr to ask her some of the questions that we had about fitness. Here Stephanie Rofkahr shares with us her insights and some tips for us when it comes to fitness. 

Go-To Fitness Tips From Certified Personal Trainer Stephanie Rofkahr

What is the importance of maintaining range of motion through the muscles of the calves? What are some problems that can arise and what can be done to help? 

It is very important to keep the calf muscles activated and to work them as well. They are small muscles so you are able to work them every day. If you do have any weak ankle issues the best stretch to do is to take a band and wrap around your foot and flex your foot forward and back.

What are some specific calf stretches and how to do them correctly? 

You really do not need to do it often unless you start experiencing issues. I have my clients stretch and rotate their foot and ankle with a band if they start feeling tightness. Usually, a good 3 to 5 minute stretch is enough when any problem arises. 

What are the common reasons for tight triceps? If someone has chronically tight triceps, what can be done to help? 

I don’t run into tight triceps too often but when I have a client who does, I have them stretch overhead with a resistance band and press out and have them drink more water. Clients with chronically tight triceps usually have high lactic acid and I suggest they allow more rest time between sets. 

Absolutely anyone with tight triceps should warm up with resistance bands and allow more rest time between sets. 

What are some common reasons for tight forearms? If someone has chronically tight forearms, what are some possible outcomes? 

They have high lactic acid and they should have a longer rest time between sets. People with high lactic acid need a longer time to recover between sets to allow their muscles to recover and get oxygen flowing back into them. 

Why should someone prioritize stretching the forearms? What are some simple stretches that target the forearms?  

I always use a resistance band for all of my clients to stretch with. The most common forearm exercise is to lay your arm on a bench and have a dumbbell in your hand and roll your wrist to activate the forearm. 

What are some common reasons for tight rotator cuff muscles? If someone has chronically tight rotator cuff muscles, what are some possible outcomes? 

For a tight rotator cuff the most common reason is not stretching and overuse. I recommend using bands to stretch the rotator cuff and to not lift too heavy at first. To progress overload on weight training and using the mind to muscle connection.  

Why should someone prioritize stretching the rotator cuff? What are some simple stretches that target the rotator cuff? 

The rotator cuff is so easily overused and the best stretching is with a band. As with the deltoids, you can place a latex band on your wrists, elbows at your waist and press out. You can also lift your hands above your head, straight in the air and press out, as well. 

Is a push-up a perfect exercise to do on the go? 

It is an exercise you can do anywhere. It will target your chest (pectorals), shoulders (deltoids), and arms (triceps). 

What are some common reasons for tight delts? If someone who has chronically tight delts, what are some possible outcomes?  

I always have my clients warm up with bands to stretch and warm up the deltoids before we go into the exercise. The main reason for tight deltoids is overuse or aging.  

Why should someone prioritize stretching the delts? What are some simple stretches that target the deltoids? 

You should always warm up the deltoids because they are so easy to get overused. I like to wrap a latex band around my wrists and have elbows tucked in to my waist and press out. Usually I shoot for 3 sets of 15 and really focus on the mind to muscle connection of pressing the band out with my deltoids. 

Stephanie Rofkahr is a certified personal trainer and nutritionist that helps people get fit and stay healthy. She enjoys sharing her passion for fitness and good nutrition with others. Certified personal trainer Stephanie Rofkahr is featured in national media and TV. For more information on Stephanie Rofkahr and her virtual fitness training and nutrition coaching, visit: www.fitfourfive.co 

Follow certified personal trainer and nutritionist Stephanie Rofkahr via her app and @fit.four.five on Facebook and Instagram. 

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