Engagement Party Etiquette: Everything You Need To Know

Divine Magazine
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An engagement party is a wonderful way to share your exciting news and get loved ones together to celebrate the upcoming nuptials. They are hugely exciting events to attend and host. And as the couple, if you get it right, it’s an incredible way to kick off the first of many wedding planning activities. However, the engagement party does come with a certain etiquette, and rules that should be followed if you want a successful night of celebrations.

In this guide, we’ll share some simple etiquette hoops you must jump through when planning your engagement party. Tips that will hopefully guarantee you pull off the perfect pre-wedding party.

Engagement Party Etiquette

When Should the Engagement Party be Hosted?

These days, the answer to this question is very open-ended. Traditionally, and for us, the engagement party should be thrown following the proposal. Not the next day, but maybe a couple of weeks or months after. That way you can both revel at the moment, and enjoy all the excitement, without worrying about planning a wedding. This is also perfect timing to receive all those engagement gifts!

However, some couples these days prefer to just have a small, intimate gathering with friends following the proposal. And then plan a much grander celebration further down the line. This works well if you’re having a long engagement.

Who is Invited to the Engagement Party?

It’s worthwhile working out your wedding guest list early, as whoever you invite to your engagement party, will also be expected to attend the big day. However, the guest list for your pre-wedding event/s will likely be smaller. With the idea being that this is a more intimate event than the actual wedding itself.

Who Hosts the Engagement Party?

Again, traditionally, the parents of the bride/couple would host the engagement party. However, really, anyone can host it. If you really want a fun celebration that feels like you, in a place you like with people you love. You might as well plan it yourself! Or in collaboration with your family.

When are Engagement Gifts Given?

Typically, gifts are not given at the engagement party. And if you don’t want your loved ones to arrive laden with presents for you both, you should make that clear on the invitation. Otherwise, they will be brought.

However, it’s not a bad idea to have engagement gifts brought to the party, as it will save your friends and family the need to visit you individually. Plus, it’ll make a pretty glamorous display at the event!

Do You Need Formal Invitations?

If stationery is your thing, and the thought of designing something for your engagement party gives you tingles – then go for it! Especially if you’re throwing a big party at a hotel venue or something. As it’ll show your guests just how important this event is. And it will allow you the opportunity to state whether you would like engagement gifts or not.

However, if you’re hosting something much more intimate, casual even, then an e-invite would work just fine. Just don’t do it on social media. Go to the trouble of getting contact details, and send your loved ones something a little more personal.

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