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One of the most time-consuming parts of running a business is managing your employees. On the one hand, it’s your job as a business owner to make sure that the team is productive. On the other, you also need to make sure that everyone’s needs are being met.
Among employees’ basic needs, the need for safety is paramount. To create a secure work environment for your team, you should be aware of these common workplace safety hazards and how to prevent them.
Ergonomic Hazards
We typically think of an unergonomic workspace as more of an inconvenience than a safety hazard. Even so, working in places that are not designed with employees in mind can take a toll on employees after a time. A few common physical consequences include:
- Repetitive stress injuries
- Eyestrain
- Musculoskeletal disorders
- Hearing disorders
- Headaches or migraines
Although these conditions are seemingly minor, they can impact the quality of employees’ lives both on and off the clock. Therefore, it’s important to design workstations as ergonomically as possible, whether this means having desks and chairs that are the proper height or offering PPE to protect against loud noises.
Trip or Fall Hazards
Trips, slips, and falls are some of the most common workplace accidents, and this risk increases in more active jobs such as construction or manufacturing. However, office jobs have similar risks.
The first step in mitigating the risk of falls is to perform a risk assessment of your workspace, looking for places where falls may be likely. Accidents can happen in places such as:
- Cluttered workspaces
- Wires that run across places where people walk
- Worn-down carpeting
- Uneven flooring
- Slippery walkways and surfaces
- Unstable ladders
When you have identified the source of the risk, removing it usually becomes a simple matter. You can organize work areas, replace ladders, and install anti-slip flooring on walkways.
Fire Hazards
Fire hazards are a major concern for any company. Similar to preventing fall hazards, eliminating the hazards begins with identifying the major fire safety hazardsin your workplace.
It’s pertinent to eliminate dangers like faulty wiring and dust buildup. However, flammable substances such as forklift battery fluid or fuel are inevitable in certain workplaces. In these cases, your business will have to develop a plan to minimize the danger and train your team in it.
Keeping employees safe is essential. The more aware your team becomes of the common workplace safety hazards and how to prevent them, the more secure your workplace will be.