Countless Thousands “You’re Goddamn Right”

Divine Magazine
Divine Magazine, your ultimate destination for the latest trends in lifestyle, health, music, home/garden, and more.
2 Min Read

Take a show choir reject who was never cool enough for punk rock, throw him a rockabilly axe and have him cash in on all the poetry classes. Take an east coast jazz legend and tell him to lay off the diminished chording and step up the distortion.

Take a cosplay nerd and give him +2 Charisma and +5 Vocalwork. Take a civil war reenacting drum geek and sit him down behind a proper kit. What do these dweebs come up with? Total badassery. Theatricality without pretense. Virtuosic musicianship somehow stuffed into catchy rock anthems. From the fist-pumping punk opera of “Gang Fight” to the vocal layer cake of “Overture” to the swarthy theatrepunk epic of “A Pirate’s Shanty” to the incomparable bass solo finale of “the Devil and Davey Munch”, Countless Thousands attempt to capture the nature of enthusiasm in its many different faces and facets.

Listening to this band is listening to four guys who genuinely love doing what they do. If you look for music that will make you glad that you care about music, then you’ve come to the right place. We really are just really excited to be here. And we know you are, too.

Members/Instruments: Danger Van Gorder (vox/guitar), Davey Munch (bass), Light Return (guitar/vox), Jonathan David (drums)



1) the Asskickers’ Union

2) We’ve Got a Dress Code

3) Excellent Horse-Like Lady (USA Version)

4) Only Child

5) Webster’s Dictionary Defines Marriage As

6) Gang Fight



Music video links:    (Asskickers’ Union)       (Gang Fight)    (Excellent Horse-Like Lady [USA Version])

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